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Archerfield House·& Waterfront Event Centre

Here are the food hygiene ratings, address and Local Authority details for Archerfield House·& Waterfront Event Centre. Archerfield House·& Waterfront Event Centre is listed as Pub/bar/nightclub.

Address: Archerfield House·& Waterfront Event Centre
Archerfield House·& Waterfront Event Centre Archerfield House Archerfield Dirleton North Berwick East Lothian
EH39 5HQ
Hygiene Rating: Food Hygiene Rating for Archerfield House·& Waterfront Event Centre
Last Inspection: 28th May 2015
Similar Places Nearby: Category: Pub/bar/nightclub Archerfield Links Clubhouse EH39 5HQ Archerfield Walled Garden EH39 5HQ The Renaissance Club EH39 5HQ The Honourable Company Of Edinburgh Golfers EH39 5HQ The Old Clubhouse EH39 5HQ Gullane Golf Club Visitors Centre EH39 5HQ

Local Authority: East Lothian
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