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Ferry Boat Inn/Chik Box/K-Town Chicken/Locked and Loaded, London

Here are the food hygiene ratings, address and Local Authority details for Ferry Boat Inn/Chik Box/K-Town Chicken/Locked and Loaded, London. Ferry Boat Inn/Chik Box/K-Town Chicken/Locked and Loaded is listed as Pub/bar/nightclub.

Address: Ferry Boat Inn/Chik Box/K-Town Chicken/Locked and Loaded
1 Ferry Lane
N17 9NG
Hygiene Rating: Food Hygiene Rating for Ferry Boat Inn/Chik Box/K-Town Chicken/Locked and Loaded, London
Risk Scoring: (lower is better)
Confidence in Management:0
Last Inspection: 19th March 2024
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Local Authority: Waltham Forest
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