Poltonhall Satellite Club BASC
Here are the food hygiene ratings, address and Local Authority details for Poltonhall Satellite Club BASC. Poltonhall Satellite Club BASC is listed as Other catering premises.
Poltonhall Satellite Club BASC
Lasswade Centre Eskdale Drive Bonnyrigg EH19 2LA
EH19 2LA
Lasswade Centre Eskdale Drive Bonnyrigg EH19 2LA
EH19 2LA
Hygiene Rating:
Last Inspection:
18th September 2019
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Local Authority:
Email: foodandsafety@midlothian.gov.uk
Web: http://www.midlothian.gov.uk
Email: foodandsafety@midlothian.gov.uk
Web: http://www.midlothian.gov.uk
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