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Red Sea East African Restaurant

Here are the food hygiene ratings, address and Local Authority details for Red Sea East African Restaurant. Red Sea East African Restaurant is listed as Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen.

Address: Red Sea East African Restaurant
1 Camdale Parade
Cricklade Road
Hygiene Rating: Food Hygiene Rating for Red Sea East African Restaurant
Last Inspection: 27th February 2023
Similar Places Nearby: Category: Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen Gorse Hill Tea Rooms SN2 8AH The Lollipop Cafe SN2 8AH The Taste Of Asia & The Kebabs Inn SN2 8AH Shalom Kitchens SN2 8AH Spice 47 SN2 8AH Wing It SN2 8AH

Local Authority: Swindon
Email: foodhealth&
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