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The Chinese Meatless Co

Here are the food hygiene ratings, address and Local Authority details for The Chinese Meatless Co. The Chinese Meatless Co is listed as Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen.

Address: The Chinese Meatless Co
15 Flockton House
Westfield Terrace
S1 4GH
Hygiene Rating: Food Hygiene Rating for The Chinese Meatless Co
Last Inspection: 30th November 1999
Similar Places Nearby: Category: Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen Chilli Aroma S1 4GH Honey and Fig S1 4GH Noodle Inn Centro S1 4GH J Home 4 Pets S1 4GH Subway S1 4GH Little Snack Bar S1 4GH

Local Authority: Sheffield
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