Znaniye Foundation @ Ealing Green College
Here are the food hygiene ratings, address and Local Authority details for Znaniye Foundation @ Ealing Green College. Znaniye Foundation @ Ealing Green College is listed as School/college/university.
Znaniye Foundation @ Ealing Green College
Ealing Hammersmith And West London College
Ealing Green
W5 5EW
Ealing Hammersmith And West London College
Ealing Green
W5 5EW
Hygiene Rating:

Last Inspection:
30th November 1999
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Local Authority:
Email: foodsafety@ealing.gov.uk
Web: https://www.ealing.gov.uk/info/201150/food_hygiene_and_safety
Email: foodsafety@ealing.gov.uk
Web: https://www.ealing.gov.uk/info/201150/food_hygiene_and_safety
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