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Ali's Kebab, Stratton St Margaret

Here are the food hygiene ratings, address and Local Authority details for Ali's Kebab, Stratton St Margaret. Ali's Kebab is listed as Mobile caterer.

Address: Ali's Kebab
Street Trading
Hobley Parade
Hobley Drive
Stratton St Margaret
Hygiene Rating: Food Hygiene Rating for Ali's Kebab, Stratton St Margaret
Risk Scoring: (lower is better)
Confidence in Management:0
Last Inspection: 7th November 2022
Similar Places Nearby: Category: Mobile caterer Pancrepes Ltd / Oh Crepe! (T/at Various Locations) Stratton St Margaret SN3 4NS Teaspoon Breakfast - T/at 25B Ganton Way, SN2 8EZ Stratton St Margaret SN3 4NS Pipp & Co (Mobile Van) Stratton St Margaret SN3 4NS Big Sal's Baps (Trades At Car Park 1-3 Marshgate Ind. Est.) Stratton St Margaret SN3 4NS Teaspoon Breakfast (Blade Motorcycles) Stratton St Margaret SN3 4NS Me'n'U (trades On Booker Car Park) Stratton St Margaret SN3 4NS

Local Authority: Swindon
Email: foodhealth&
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